Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ad Watch: McCain

Sen. McCain has a new ad out today, titled "American Heros." The ad will air on national news programs and the internet.

The ad keeps with the theme of McCain's biographical tour this week. In doing so, it completely avoids mentioning any of the pressing issues facing our country. As the Democrats continue to mud sling, McCain hopes to capitalize on portraying himself as a "man of character, honesty, and integrity." Also, it is not the best time for him to fall back on his "the surge is working" rhetoric.

American Heroes:

1 comment:

Nick.E.Jo said...

I have great fondness and respect for the proud McCain family legacy. However, I'm tired of stale conservative ideals. I'm with Obama on this one. Its not McCain's character I don't approve of its his policies. I hope American's can read more into the candidates... at least past their last last name.