Friday, March 28, 2008

Ad Watch: Obama

Obama has a new ad out today that will be airing in Pennsylvania. The Clinton campaign is accusing the Obama camp of false advertising, alleging that Sen. Obama has taken money from both Exxon Mobil and Shell Oil contrary to the claims of the ad.


Anonymous said...

John Edwards was right to say that there are big financial interests in this country that need to be taken on. Candidates that are conflicted by taking money from those interests won't be able to confront them. It's vital that our next president be clearly independent of financial influence from big oil and lobbyists. This is an important issue.

Funny that the Clintons' response is to accuse Obama of taking money from big oil. Clearly the Clintons' hands are dirty with lobbyist and oil $$... Or they'd be making a very different argument.

Unknown said...

I'm glad someone is finally calling Exxon Mobile out...they've had their best quarters in their history in the last year, and have not spent anymore on cleaning up the messes from their oil spills...Clinton is on the ropes her response is pretty predictable, which is ultimately her main problem...she's fighting like George Foreman when she should be fighting like Ali

Anonymous said...

Not sure that Clinton is fighting like either Foreman or Ali. Her very predictable pattern starts by race-baiting and lashing out at Obama. When she's called on this, she withdraws and plays the victim card. Check out this morning's (3/29/2008) NYTimes "Mrs. Clinton told aides that she would not be “bullied out” of the race. In a conversation with two Democratic allies, she compared the situation to the “big boys” trying to bully a woman..."

Victimization netted victory in New Hampshire -- sounds like she's playing for a repeat in PA.