Monday, March 24, 2008

Swooping in Under Sniper Fire

This is likely a repeat for the blog savvy, but it's interesting to see this get picked up by CBS and the mainstream media.

Keep in mind, Hillary has spent the last month touting both her foreign policy experience and Obama's supposed fabrications from the stump.

"And that's how it happened."


Riley Finnigan said...

Hah! Thanks for that Mike. I've often wondered how she's been able to tout all of this supposed "international diplomacy experience" from being first lady.... under fire from hugs from 9 yr. olds maybe.

Anonymous said...

Hillary will say absolutely anything to get elected. Somehow this isn't getting the traction it deserves. The public also seems to have forgotten the missing documents from the Hillary's Rose law firm. And the travelgate scandal. And her politically expedient vote for the war and politically expedient recant of that vote when the mood of the country changed. The list is much longer and the Youtube link opportunities are endless.

And where are the tax returns since the Clintons left office? Hillary said she was too busy to issue these. Too busy to release prior year returns? I'll bet we can all find our prior year returns in about 5 minutes. There are certainly big conflicts of interest. And questions about whose money really funded the campaign with the $5 million loan earlier this year. Hope we'll really see the returns on April 15. Bet we won't... At best we might see a redacted 2007 return.

Hillary's total revision of the Clinton years is perverse, sad, comical, unethical and totally unbelievable.